Frequently asked questions
We’ve put together some information you might seek before considering a Konzepts franchise and getting in touch:
Should the question you have not be covered, please just ask!
Q : What is a Franchise?
A : Franchising is when an established business allows a third party the right to operate using
their trade-name, either through their manufacturing, distribution or sales channels.
This is usually in return for a one time franchise fee, plus a percentage of sales revenue or a
monthly set fee. In our case it is a fixed monthly payment, which covers all expenses, usually
charged additionally to the percentage of sales revenue, by other franchisers.
Q : Why are you not a member of a Franchising Association, such as
the British Franchising Association or similar?
A : Konzepts is a member of the Quality Franchise Association to ensure you feel
comfortable that you are dealing with a reputable business, which adheres to a
code of conduct
Q : Do I need to work full-time from the moment I start the franchise?
A : That is completely up to you! You may initially chose to work on your franchise for half a day
whilst continuing with a current part time job, until you have built up enough customers to take
the final step of going full-time.
Q : Could I operate the franchise together with someone else?
A : Of course you can! The franchise model has been created to provide a full-time job for
one person and to provide an income of around £3,000 by the end of year one. Should you
choose to share the work - you'd share the income, too.
Q : Will I be able to grow the franchise to employ other people?
A : The Konzepts franchise does not lend itself to employing additional staff, as this would drive
up cost of social medial management and website design for customers. It is at the heart of
the franchise to be and stay affordable.
Q : Is a Konzepts franchise future proof, considering some of the negative press some social media
channels have received?
A : Social Media is now a permanent feature in our lives. It may be that providers change,
regulation is applied or the way social media is used. It is Konzepts responsibility to
stay ahead and informed about anything, which could affect the way professional social media
management is carried out. Should there be any changes, we will inform our franchisees and
offer the relevant training for their business to stay successful.
Q : How big is the exclusive franchise territory?
A : Known as the franchisee’s Exclusive Marketing Zone - this would depend on where you live,
but usually is about 40 miles around your main place of residence. It is important for a
Konzepts franchisee to be able to travel and meet future and existing clients to provide a
tailored service.
Q : I am using social media privately, but have no idea of how to get it right for businesses, is that a
A : No, absolutely not. You'll be given in depth training and a manual will be available for you, too!
You'll find out where and how you can find your customers, what conversations to have with
them to bring them on board and, of course, all the in's and out's of finding, curating ans posting
just the right content for them.
Q: As I use social media privately I could'nt I easily start a business such as this, by myself?
A: Possibly. However, it's worth keeping in mind that you would have to pay around £6,000 plus
VAT up front annually to subscribe to a service, which allows you to manage as many
clients and their social media profiles, as the Konzepts methodology does.
With us you pay for a 3 year licence to use our methodology.
Q : Once I have been trained, will there be any further help available?
A : Yes! Konzepts can be contacted via email at any time and via phone or Skype during standard
business hours. Ongoing training can also be provided, should it be deemed necessary.
Q : How long has Konzepts been operating?
A : Konzepts started as a Sole Trader on a part-time basis in 2016 and was incorporated as a limited
company on 4th December 2017.
Q : What are the next steps, should I be interested in a Konzepts franchise?
A : Simply complete the form below! We'll then send you our franchise prospectus for you to
check what the franchise is all about. And once you want to go ahead we'll set up a meeting to
progress things.
Don’t worry, you’re not entering into any kind of agreement where we pester you for life about our company – just read through it and if you like what you see give us a call and ask us all your questions!
Interested in a Konzepts Franchise? Then please get in touch!
You can also call us on 01825 840951 (Mo - Fri 09.30 - 17.00)