We are a
Social Enterprise
Our governing mission
Konzepts is based in a truly rural location and hence aware of the economic and personal challenges this environment can bring. For those living in these communities life is not as idyllic and many believe it to be.
We set out to help small rural businesses access the benefits the digital world has to offer, by providing social media and web design services at affordable rates. The intention is to extended these services throughout the UK, so rural businesses can have the real personal contact, which connects them and their businesses to the digital world, helping them to grow their brand and customer base.
When rural businesses have the opportunity to grow, they are likely to employ further staff, helping to reduce the challenging employment issues in their community.
The percentage of working age people in employment (employment rate) in 2016 was 74 per cent in urban settlements and 78 per cent in rural settlements. This employment rate is based on where people live and not where they work. People living in rural settlements may travel to work in larger urban settlements. (Data from Statistical Digest of Rural England 2018 January edition v2).
It is Konzepts ambition to help create employment in rural communities for the benefit of rural communities, so that our villages can thrive again and the Work Life balance for many can be readdressed.
A percentage of Konzepts profit is being distributed to projects supporting people in the rural communities.
We were recently able to provide additional land, business stationery, seeds and trees for the East Hoathly and Halland Community Garden. This is a therapeutic gardening project helping adults with physical and/or mental challenges. Harvested produce is distributed to local Food Bank users and the clients themselves.
As Konzepts grows, so will our contributions and involvement with similar projects.