Do you know how to create it?
You may well say “No, not really, I don’t use social...
Problem solved!

You may have a son, daughter or other ‘young’ person you know, who is an avid user of these communication channels.
However, does that mean they know how to ‘do social media’ for your business?
You might wish to consider…
How well do they know your business? Do they know your target audience and what would add value to that audience, so they want to engage on social media or your other digital presences? Do they know how to find that target audience on Social Media? Do they know how to analyse the social media activity and adjust communications accordingly?
If it is a YES to all these questions, then it might well worth your while to ask them to help you out.

It might be an idea for them to read our blog article on DIY Social Media, so they are aware of the time, that should be spent on it.
Do they have that time and commitment?
And remember Social Media only works, if you add value to your audience.
The value to your audience is in the content you publish, which makes content the king...
Golden rules for good content
The 5-3-2- rule of social media sharing has been covered in our blog DIY Social Media and here are some others:

Be inspirational
Post a funny or inspirational image that fits in with your customers’ lifestyles or aspirations. For instance, if you are a tax consultant you could post photos and quotes from well known rich people. Or, if you are an estate agent you might post pictures of funny or unusual homes/houses and quotes about a happy home. Just make sure the images are of good quality/are copyright free or credit where the image came from.
Use Images
We covered this subject in our blog From Ordinary to Extraordinary
Don’t show your products or services
You don’t want to show your stuff in every shot, because social media isn’t just a sales tool. Build engagement by putting up images that resonate with your customers. For example, a ginger drinks manufacturer posts healthy recipes or a wedding venue posts pictures of what themed weddings ‘could‘ look like.
Post lists
People love “Top 3/5/10” lists. Make sure you offer valuable lists, though. For instance, a flooring company might post, “The top 5 floor coverings for durability” for a specific part of the house.
A quantity surveyor could post a list of the “5 worst mistakes house buyers make”
Always remember No Social Media is better than Bad Social Media!